How to motivate yourself as a teenage girl?

“Writing down precisely on paper what you want to do in your life, and muting everything else.”

It helps. This is the crux of the explanation that would follow to answer many teenage girls’ question. Read on;

1. Navigating is difficult without a map; hence make a map.

Here I don’t mean the highways and landmarks when i say a map, but write down, in a list, all that needs to be done, whichever order it comes to your mind. The idea here is to have a rough blue print or flowchart in front of you that would help to navigate through the work and help you visualise the finishing or the ‘achievement’. Motivation lessens when the work seems overwhelming and out of place, organising counter effects the lethargy.

2. Start with a small task and mute everything else.

Have you ever wondered or realised how people enjoy watching their favourite sitcom on TV, or listening to a song? It’s because they have walled out everything else at that moment and are passionately enjoying the song/sitcom which is currently playing.
When you work on any task, stop worrying about all the other or further tasks. This helps in relaxing the mind and saves the energy otherwise wasted in ‘sweating the small stuff’. That energy acts as your motivation to finish the task.

How to motivate yourself as a teenage girl?

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3. See, how to mute everything else? Allot the tasks their time slots.

Make a lenient or genuine timeline and give yourself comfortable time to finish each task. This way when you work on task 1, the concentration would rely solely on that since your mind knows there is enough time for the other tasks. An energy on task at a time would increase your concentration for that task which would result in success. Now you just have to repeat it with further tasks.

4. Enjoy the small milestones.

When you do yourself a happy favour at the end of the task (taking a break, checking Insta or tiktok) you would have better motivation to tackle down the next task. If possible then celebrate small success with your closed-ones or near-ones. It’s very important to boost yourself for main goal.

5. Stick to the timeline.

An each delayed task or result would make further process delayed and this circle would create a huge blunder. Simply finishing small tasks and navigating to further ones would make everything successful. Because if you don’t, motivation won’t stick with you for long. If, on the other hand you do, these small efforts will lead to magnified results.

If you want to maintain that motivation over time, I would suggest writing a journal. It’s important that you keep track of your emotions, moods and struggles daily. It will help you identify the bad moments and the good and then adjust accordingly. The victory is in our mindset. The way we think will directly have an impact of how we’ll react to setbacks.

We can always do more. There’s something we can do to improve our current condition. Just be patient. Overnight success might have been the result of 10 years of hard work. What we see outside is the reflection of a process that occurred first on the inside. We have to plant a seed of hope in us. Continue to water it. We’ll get results. We’ll have a garden around us. Close the eyes for a moment and imagine all those beautiful flowers and plants that have grown just because we believed for one second that it was possible.

Hope is the foundation of motivation. Don’t depend on somebody to motivate you. It has to come from the inside. You have to find your own waterfall. Your own source of water inside you!

How to motivate yourself as a teenage girl

Hello friends, I am “Stacy Ryder” and i'm a former makeup artist. I like to write essays and articles about beauty, fashion, fitness and entertainment. You will love to read my articles regularly.

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