What Not To Do When You Visit USA!

By Be Aww Girls

1. Don’t assume that the US is exactly the way it is portrayed on American films and series.

2. Don’t underestimate the size or diversity of the United States.

3. Don’t overbook your visit. If you only have 2 or 3 weeks in the US, don’t try to hit every major attraction in the country.

3. Don’t overbook your visit. If you only have 2 or 3 weeks in the US, don’t try to hit every major attraction in the country.

4. Don’t settle for bad food. There is amazing food in the US, you just have to seek it out.

5. Don’t count on speaking any language besides English.

6. Don’t stress out about clothes. Outside the big East Coast cities, the US is a very casual country.

7. Don’t discuss politics, religion, race or money with new acquaintances.

8. Don’t be afraid to share your culture with Americans.

9. Don’t be disrespectful to the police.

10. Don’t expect service workers to clean up after you.

11. Don’t invade people’s personal space.