How To Do Braid Hairstyles? Kiddies Braid Hairstyles

There are many different braid hairstyles that you can try, and the specific technique will depend on the type of braid you want to create. Here are a few different braids that you might want to try:

French braid:

To create a French braid, start by dividing your hair into three equal sections. Cross the right section over the middle section, then the left section over the right section. Add a small amount of hair to the right section and cross it over the middle section again. Repeat the process, adding a small amount of hair to each outer section as you braid it over the middle section.

Fishtail braid:

To create a fishtail braid, start by dividing your hair into two equal sections. Take a small piece of hair from the outside of the right section and cross it over to the left side. Then take a small piece of hair from the outside of the left section and cross it over to the right side. Repeat the process, alternating between the right and left sections, until you reach the end of your hair.

Dutch braid:

To create a Dutch braid, start by dividing your hair into three equal sections. Cross the right section under the middle section, then the left section under the right section. Add a small amount of hair to the right section and cross it under the middle section again. Repeat the process, adding a small amount of hair to each outer section as you braid it under the middle section.

Waterfall braid:

To create a waterfall braid, start by dividing your hair into three equal sections. Cross the right section over the middle section, then let the left section fall down and out of the braid. Pick up a new section of hair from just below where the left section fell out, and cross it over the middle section. Repeat the process, letting each outer section fall out and picking up a new section of hair to replace it as you braid.

Braided bun:

To create a braided bun, start by creating a French braid or Dutch braid on the top of your head. Once you reach the nape of your neck, gather the rest of your hair into a ponytail and secure it with an elastic. Then, braid the ponytail and wrap it around the base of the ponytail to create a bun. Use bobby pins to secure the bun in place.

Side braid:

To create a side braid, start by dividing your hair into three equal sections and braiding it down the side of your head. You can use any type of braid, such as a French braid, Dutch braid, or fishtail braid. Once you reach the end of your hair, secure the braid with elastic or bobby pins.

Crown braid:

To create a crown braid, start by dividing your hair into two equal sections. Create a French braid or Dutch braid on one side of your head, starting at the front hairline and braiding back towards the crown of your head. Once you reach the crown, braid the rest of your hair down the opposite side of your head. Secure the braid with elastic or bobby pins.

Box braids:

To create box braids, start by dividing your hair into small sections. Braid each section down to the ends, then secure the braids with elastics. Box braids can be left loose or styled into a variety of different looks, such as a bun or ponytail.


Remember to keep your braids tight and secure as you work, and try using hair elastics or bobby pins to hold them in place. Try to take your time and be patient as you practice these braids. With practice, you should be able to create a variety of different braid hairstyles.


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